Batted in over $100,000 in revenue with ZoomInfo



Change – it’s something the sports industry knows all too well. From ownership to the team roster to the location, consistency is not the name of the game.

Such was the case for the Miami Marlins, which in 2018 went through similar transformations: With new leadership came a renewed focus on the B2B market.

“When we took over, we didn’t have much of a B2B presence. It was past time to change that by re-engaging with business and expanding our prospecting efforts to target the right enterprise accounts. More memberships, group packages, suites, tickets – you name it – we knew B2B could be huge for us. We allocated the budget; however, we needed the right platform to spearhead our B2B efforts and expand our database.” – Evans Adonis, Miami Marlins Director of Membership Sales.

Because this was a brand new initiative for the Marlins, the sales team thrived – and all at once, everything was new, including the implementation of its chosen B2B contact database, ZoomInfo.

The ability to track and customize our approach using data intelligence – and in such a fast and streamlined way – proved instrumental in driving more leads.

Evans Adonis

Director of Membership Sales, Miami Marlins


In sports, practice makes perfect. In B2B sales, the same adage applies.

Leadership at Miami Marlins knew that before any undertaking, it was imperative for the sales team to understand the ins and outs of the newly adopted sales tool. Before long, the team members were coached on how to effectively reach out to new target companies using ZoomInfo.

“Getting up and running with the tool was easy,” recalls Adonis. “Soon, our sales team was reaching out to top companies and their executives in South Florida and having more conversations with the right prospects. We couldn’t go after these accounts before – we simply didn’t have access to the data we needed.”

What’s more, ZoomInfo infused the teams’ workflow with detailed information and streamlined their processes via integrations with Microsoft Dynamics, the Marlins’ CRM. This allowed the team members to work more efficiently, increasing overall productivity.

“We attained the greatest value from filtering targets by title, company size, revenue, industry, and so on. Now, we could easily identify our targets, for instance, and tailor our campaigns to offer the likes of company outings for one account and breakfast events for another,” said Adonis. “The ability to track and customize our approach using data intelligence – and in such a fast and streamlined way – proved instrumental in driving more leads.”

Before long, the Miami Marlins hit a Grand Slam with over $100,000 in B2B account revenue – in just two months. In our playbook, that’s a win.


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